My lovely puppy BOM!

Hello!! Today I want to introduce my puppy!Her name is Bom. Bom means spring in Korean. Why her name is bom?? Because she came our home in spring:D she is now 2 years old! I will post bom’s life in this blog, too~~please enjoy❤️

Recently picture! My friends came to see her! can you guess her size????? she is king size maltese!Lol

Look at her angry face! She was upset because i wake up her

Wake up bom!! I love her hair

Her favorite toy!❤️

She love to walk down!

This is my bed…but she own it,, One of my friend told me “Give her your bed..You should sleep on the floor” So sad..ㅠㅠ

This is my first posting! Thank u for reading and i will come back soon!😊😊😊

첫 번째 블로그 글

회원님의 첫 번째 글입니다. 편집 링크를 클릭하여 편집, 삭제하거나 새 글을 작성하세요. 원하는 경우 이 글을 사용하여 독자들에게 이 블로그를 시작한 이유와 어떻게 활용할 것인지를 알리세요. 도움이 필요한 경우 지원 포럼에서 친절한 사람들에게 물어보세요.